The day started at 14.00, when we met each other and decided to fika. Now, fika never, ever, goes wrong. It was so wonderful! I can't think of any other word than "perfection". We talked about being nervous about not being able to find nerdy enough friends and the possibilities or working together as scientists in the future. There was some light chitchat in there as well which wasn't as nerdy..I think >.> Oh yes! Lord Byron!! He was quite talked about today.
Soon, one of my dearest friends had to leave and as expected, it was quite emotional.
At the end of the day, I was alone with the guys who at one point started to compare levels of "gayness" and how gay they could be. Very entertaining actually. Especially when Daniel was slurping on his PINK SMOOTHIE.But we love him anyways >.> The guys who usually jokingly tease me did not do that today AND treated me like a lady xO
All in all, I am so happy and sad at the same time which sucks because I want to look back at this day and think what an awesome time we had instead of thinking of parting. I guess I was even happier because I had to put up with them for the last time :D Neeeh, I love them. They are probably the closest friends I will have and I wish I could put into words how much I appreciate having them in my life but I suck at those kind of things =/
So I'll just end this post with a heartwarming picture:
I love you too! :)