Not disappointed at all actually :O hm...this is strange. Well..I've never been a fan of Kristen as Bella =/ but that's just me.
It's a tradition to watch the Twilight saga movies with Mia. And after watching the movie, take a pic with the poster. It keeps the memory of the "whaaat this movie was goood" feeling fresh ^^
I realised that this might be my last movie in Sweden, which I'm really hoping cause that would mean that I got accepted. *sigh* I have to, I need to, I must!! ><
I'm not sure if she'd like me t post her pic so I'm gonna post my solo. Please excuse my hideous hair and overly happy face. I always turn out SUPER happy in pics o.0 This was the least happy/excited one I had.

(And yes I'm kinda wishing I was Bella here. Hush up >.>)
All in all, I'm happy.
I can't wait to see it either, gorgeous colour on you! x