I found my old schedule, history notes from Pre along with my very first CAS diary.
I remember being so excited back then. About beginning high school; espcecially IB and doing all IB things like CAS and getting my IB schedule. It seemed so cool. I miss those days.
I've moved a lot in the past and changed many schools due to different reasons. In the end, I hated changing schools, significantly because of those few weeks in the beginning (sometimes months) where you get to know others in the class.
Fortunately, that changed cause I'm super excited to start uni! I'll have to wait for my exam results for another MONTH. Gaaah..
Anyway, the things that I found represented the different phases that I had. My manga phase, Japanese drama phase, and due to 1 Litre of Tears (drama) the I'm-going-to-save-the-world-from-Spinocerebellar-Ataxia-by-finding-a-cure phase (I haven't moved pass the latter one though).
I don't have the heart to throw them away. I don't know.. it feels like one day I'll open my box and find these things and will be all "awww~ yea *sigh* good times" but then again, my IB diploma should do that for me but somehow it doesn't xD
BTW I was supposed to see Muse this June with Kay (<3) and yesterday I got an email reporting that they freakin cancelled. Wtf?! This was supposed to my b'day present and last year's was supposed to be a Linkin Park concert but they cancelled too. I'm concert jinxed. Toootally bummed out. *pout*
We should like, go see Sex and the City2 or something instead :P
ReplyDeleteBTW, love the homophone! Mews, clever one! ;D
ReplyDeletexD I'm saving for the Eclipse premiere. Btw, have you heard? (bird bird bird, bird is the word) Kstew and TayTay are coming to Stockholm for the premier. Care for seeing the twinkling stars, mate?
Yay! Finally, a compliment concerning language from an English teacher.
Hey, we can take our Mews money and go see both :D xD
ReplyDeleteYes, I heard about the twinkling starts! Do we dare standing among all the tweens? We will be like the old creepy man at the park :P
Let's talk about it when we see each other, which we totally will - sooooon! <3
Of course I get your word play! People just don't get the art of some good punning anymore! Like this one:
I once shot an elephant in my pajamas.
How I got into my pajamas I'll never know.
"Britney hit a man with an umbrella"
Do they mean she hit a man with an umbrella as the instrument which she hit him with, or that she hit a man who had an umbrella!!?
Oooh, ambiguous! This is what I do for fun nowadays ;)
Crap, I messed it up:
ReplyDelete*how IIITTT got into!!
I once shot an elephant in my pajamas.
How it got into my pajamas I'll never know.